Obstructions to Actualizing Inner Vision

9edmcsb5mta-benjamin-balazsMost of us have a strong desire for something in our life that we have not yet been able to manifest, in spite of our most fervent efforts.

Whether it is a desire for love, greater financial stability, some expansion in our life’s work, a shift in consciousness, it is something that in our highest vision we sense is meant for us, something we feel we have come to do or be.

The work lies in becoming more aware of our thoughts.  Often the reason we have not yet fulfilled our desire is because we have a hidden contradictory desire, a split between our unconscious, conscious and divine mind.

No matter how buried or repressed these alternative voices are, they are also sending thought waves into reality that are affecting what we draw toward us and create.

Before we can clear the way for positive manifestation, we have to do the work of exploring the unconscious mind to reveal the hidden negative feelings held within our desire.  We aim to heal this internal split and bring all the parts of self into light and ultimately into greater unity with one another.



2 thoughts on “Obstructions to Actualizing Inner Vision

  1. c

    I’ve thought a bit about ‘thought currents’ as you state them.
    The question I ask myself is how much longer am I willing to tolerate being dragged through life by thought patterns that will only lead me into a familiar corner of despair?
    I (the true me) stand on the sideline as the watcher and observe the thoughts as they surface. On bad days the ego grabs them and runs, on good days the watcher notices, can laugh and stare them back down into the empty space from which they came.
    The ego finds pleasure and comfort in those thoughts and has so for decades, he’s not giving in, he’s patient. He’s also been known to negotiate with the watcher and convince him to look the other way.
    Yet, I know the end game, there is no room for co-existence. When will the watcher accept his full time role?

  2. Amy McTear

    You offer a brilliant description. I ask myself the same questions. Could it be that the end game IS about making room for co-existence?? The more we finely attune our awareness (as you are doing) to the play between ego and soul, the more it will be with our power of choice in tact that we are participating in the game, and with less affect and lighter heart. The watcher reclaims a superior position, endeared but not commandeered by this game of life…
    I deeply appreciate your thoughtful comment and welcome more.


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