Letting the Child Speak

askeuozqhyu-jason-rosewellWhether in our personal, financial, professional or spiritual lives, most of us can identify areas where we consistently struggle, experience road blocks and undesirable outcomes. We may desire a certain reality, even work diligently toward it, but not be able to figure out what is stopping us from manifesting our dreams.  Often an unresolved aspect of our child consciousness  is responsible.

It takes self-compassion and awareness to turn toward it and patiently ask the necessary questions that can facilitate movement. We might carry a deep disdain for this voice and want to divorce ourselves from this dimension of self, which pushes it into further into our unconscious only increasing it’s power over us.

Just as the the youngest child in a family can rule the emotional climate of the house if not handled with consciousness, so these unrealized and unattended parts of self have the power to rule the inner and outer conditions of our lives.

If meeting road blocks in one particular arena of your life, just invite the inner voice in the chorus that you would least like to claim as a relation to stand up and take the mic. The suppressed voice of the needy inner child becomes the one we are most beholden to if we do not confront it with loving awareness.

Allow the child to speak while giving it your full presence.  Listen to all it has to say.  It will enlighten you. It will show you where you are not listening, where you have been afraid to look, what wounds still need healing. If you ask, it will tell you what it needs from you. Dialogue, then enlighten, reeducate and bring this young one up to speed with the current reality.

The guru comes in many forms and quite often in the form of an unruly child.  Though we resist it, this is the healer and the teacher that can guide us toward the inner reunion that we seek.


One thought on “Letting the Child Speak

  1. winnie

    I’ve heard a long time ago, that children are our teachers. And it shows even more clearly as years go by. You really just have to listen to them.


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