Honoring All That Is Well

7e2pe9wjl9m-riccardo-annandaleOur creative and generative powers are unlimited and yet we live largely unconsciousness of them.  We create our own universe as we go along and are only just beginning to know how to harness this for our well being.

The world around us corresponds to what we carry inside.  The images, feelings, thoughts that we hold emit a vibration that determine what gets reflected back to us. Ego consciousness has its basis in lack and separation.  Left untethered it will compulsively survey what is lacking.

When we are preoccupied with what is wrong in our lives, we cultivate an energy field of lack.  Desires put forth from this state are urgent and desperate in tone. Manifestation from this ground will yield a matching result, more of the same. In order to create a life of abundance, it is vital to generate an energy field of abundance.  The most immediate way to do this is by bringing our awareness to what is well in our lives.

Reflecting upon the good, what is already working, already abundant, allows us to enter an expansive state of gratitude. Gratitude elicits abounding presence and the compelling impulse to ask, “What else do I want to create?!” 

“The human eye is taught to see darkness and to make extraordinary honoring of ‘what is wrong’.  But let it also be known what is so very right… Take inventory, but not as you have done in your lives, not to find where more is needed or less seems essential.  But look to where, at this moment, all is well.  Dare to do that.  And when your eyes have become accustomed to the light, then allow your gaze to wander to further places and different situations.  This is not a call to New Age Pollyannaism.  It is a call to Balance.” – Emmanuel


One thought on “Honoring All That Is Well

  1. c

    Tuning in to the moment, riding sharply on the edge of the present, can strip apparent problems away with a subtle shear force.
    It is interesting to consider the problems that remain to be dealt in this state of awareness because the added gift is that we feel drawn to address the situation with utmost care and love.
    In the same light, that awareness provides us the medium to be what the universe wants us to be, to have what the universe wants us to have. To create what seems utterly natural to create.


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