Upgrading Your Inner-Verse

A 3-month coaching intensive to radically upgrade your life

Remove The Subconscious Blocks That Keep You From Achieving Your Most Important Goals 

  • understand & clarify what you really want
  • discover the hidden beliefs & early programming that have made it impossible up to now
  • learn how to get your mind to work for you rather than against you
  • reprogram with a customized self-hypnosis audio file specifically tailored to you

Did you know that most of what you believe about yourself and your capacities was hardwired into your subconscious mind before the age of 6 years old?  This early programming is likely to determine your level of success unless you consciously intervene.  Left unattended, you may continue to fall short of your potential, waste time and resources and develop more negative beliefs about yourself in the process.

Becoming aware of limiting beliefs can diminish their strength but is often not enough to eliminate their presence.  In this course, we lay the groundwork for your preferred life by updating your sense of the world, reimagining the self and rescripting the inner voices that direct your daily behavior.

You’ll takeaway a customized 30-minute self-hypnosis audio file featuring your own voice and brainwave entrainment to help you continue upgrading your life! 

Details About Your Customized Audio File 

One of the great takeaways of this course is that you receive a customized self-hypnosis audio file featuring your own voice.  Because you are your own best hypnotist and it is likely that much of your self-talk is negative, replacing old programming with your upgraded voice can embed the message more swiftly and deeply.

Your True Voice Track (TVT) is a high quality, professionally mixed and mastered 30-minute self-hypnosis audio file that you can listen to while falling asleep, upon waking, during meditation, or as a power nap during the day.

Listening to your TVT strengthens your connection to your one true voice.  It reinforces what you discovered in the course and helps you continue the upgrade.  It also mitigates the presence and the power of the conditioned voices from your early childhood programming. 

The recording includes isochronic tones, which are a safe form of brainwave entrainment (you can also request a track without isochronic tones and still receive tremendous benefits), ambient tones – including nature sounds, my original vocals and instrumentation, seed syllables and mantras – making your listening experience effective, enjoyable and relaxing.  

The Science of Brainwave Entrainment

Like the heart, the brain synchronizes to outer stimuli.  This is called entrainment.  Brainwave entrainment can be done with pulsing light, low energy electromagnetic fields, or sound from monaural beats, binaural beats or isochronic tones.

I embed isochronic tones subtly into the music, which are a very safe form of audio brainwave entrainment.  The tones are set at a theta frequency of 7hz, prevalent in deeps states of meditation or light sleep.  Research shows that this is the brain state in which we are most open to suggestion or reprogramming.  As a result, listening to these tones can help you bypass the mental and emotional barriers that typically make the mind resistant to change.

Amy McTear’s course helped me identify important core belief patterns that were blocking my ability to achieve my relationship goals.  I recognized how some of my internal beliefs served me and some were blocks.  Her course includes rewriting these “internal scripts” which resulted in an extensive list of positive personal affirmations.  Amy artfully synthesized the personal affirmation statements, recorded in my own voice, with brainwave entrainment, dynamic ocean sounds and my favorite mantra.  Amy brings her amazing creativity as a musician to the personal tracks.  She encourages you to customize your track with the healing sounds most resonant for you!  This personalized audio track is a gift that keeps giving.  Thank you! Kathryn Andren

Massage Therapist / Astrologer

I just finished this program and I was amazed at what deep held beliefs were uncovered that no longer serve me.  I highly recommend Amy McTear, she is a grounded and compassionate coach.  If you’re ready to do the work, go for it!  I’ve already experienced many positive shifts.  Thank you, Amy! Cathy Vogt

Certified Health Counselor / Professional Chef

Amy helped me find the exact thing in my subconscious that has been blocking me from achieving success for years!  After it hit me, it became so obvious that I was laughing in disbelief. 

Upgrading Your Inner Verse showed me how certain words and phrases in my self talk have been perpetuating negativity and holding me back.  Now that I know the source, it has become easier for me to move forward and continue to improve on my goals with a clearer understanding of my psyche. 

Thank you Amy. Your course is powerful and empowering.  Hanibal Luis Negron

I took Amy’s Upgrading Your Inner-Verse Course to address my chronic pain and sleep issues.  By following the course, I was finally able to gain access to the hidden agendas of my subconscious mind!  I was then able to bring those secret blueprints into the light of my conscious awareness.  Now using a recording of my own voice and Amy’s sublime background music, I am lovingly and emphatically setting myself straight and aligning my true desires and intentions.  I have a much better understanding of the root causes of my pain patterns and I am sleeping brilliantly and waking refreshed.  Simply brilliant!!  Thank you, Amy! Dahlia Bartz-Cabe

Meditation Counselor

I have completed Amy’s course, and I feel a deep gratitude for this experience.  With her support and guidance, I was able to claim and express my core desire.  Through her use of a very powerful process, I am discovering more and more about my true self.  Part of what Amy offers is a recorded track of your own voice expressing affirmations that you create.  I can now listen to my voice claiming what I most deeply desire.
This is a new chapter for me.  I now experience hope and great expectation for the on-going fulfillment of my life purpose and mission.  This course, the process and it’s ongoing impact is serving me in the present, and preparing me for my future.  I feel hopeful for the manifestation of my core desire of offering healing and love.

Thank you, Amy! Diana Smith

I just finished taking “Upgrading Your Inner-Verse” and got my recording!  Any time I feel that old, familiar doubt creeping in, I put on my custom track and let it play and the doubt starts to melt away.  This course helped me realize that doubt I often feel is not truly me.  When I hear my own voice repeating my inner truths, I remember who I am.  It’s pretty profound!  I am so grateful for the course and all the work we did.  Thank you, Amy! Adam Bradley